5 Must Have Bags for 2018 - 5 Carteras Para Tener en el 2018:
Hello Queridos! One of my favorite accessories is the handbag. I love handbags so much and I think I have an addiction to them! But I...
5 Mistakes Not To Make When Wearing a Swimsuit- 5 Errores Que No Debes Cometer Al Lucir Vestidos De
Hello Queridos! Its summer ... time for the beach and the pools! This means that we must take out our bathing suits. And before you get...
Exotic Tropical Destinations on a budget - Destinos Tropicales de Vacaciones economicas
Hello Queridos! It is here, my favorite time of the year Summer. I adore spending time with my family and friends and this vacation is...
Jewels ... And A Very Special Gift - Joyas…Y Un Regalo Muy Especial
Hello Queridos! It's amazing how a great jewel can elevate your look. Be a bracelet, a necklace, or some earrings; these accessories...